All Staff Members and Players must read these rules this is your warning.
In Game Rules.
1.No disrespecting Staff Members.
2.No flaming staff.
3.No transfering starters to cheat yourself into having more money.
4.No hacking other players accounts.
5.No sharing accounts. (For safety issues)
6.Only rule for Pking is that you do not FarCast while praying.
7.No Luring new players to kill them for there items, make it fair.
8.If a Staff Member is Patrolling Pking Area's DO NOT attack them. (Accept for ::war)
9.No asking Staff for items.
10.No asking for Staff must apply in Forums and follow the Application Rules.
Forum Rules.
The Administrators reserve the right to interpret these rules any way they see fit. The following rules are more like guidelines. You shouldn't be looking for loopholes in them, rather, you should just get along with them. We're looking for users that use common sense. For example, we would prefer a user that knows, just because something isn't on the rules, that it it isn't necessarily allowed.
* We do not care about post count alone. If someone has high post count but most of it is spam, we hate them. If someone has a high post count with informative posts, we love them. The higher count, the more we hate/love them.
* We do not make spelling mistakes on purpose. We use "you" not "u", we use "why" not "y" etc. Please try and use this, I try to do it myself, but sometimes I end up using "u".
Rule 1:
Moderators lock topics/remove posts and topics/hand infractions to users at their own discretion as required to foster a positive community. Any disagreement with a staff member's decision is to be resolved through the use of the PM system. Any public disputes are unacceptable and punishable.
Rule 2:
Everybody is equal, don't treat people worse than you do others(E.G., don't isolate someone and flame them). Try to be nice. No name calling, personal attacks or foul language! If someone posts something you don't like, please don't flame them just because you don't like it or you don't agree with them. Everyone is entitled to state their opinion as long as the rules are followed.
Rule 3:
Posts should be knowledgeable, try to put some effort into them, it'll save hassle and stop you from looking like an idiot.
Do not make 1-3 word posts such as "yes" or "maybe!" This is considered spam and unacceptible. They do not contribute to the community at all and are a waste of space. Don't use meaningless topic titles either!
Rule 4:
We only have one forum account per person, you can use the same account for the forums and server.
Rule 5:
Do not advertise without permission from a Global Moderator or an Administrator. Anyone advertising maliciously will be permanently banned. Don't spam the forum with your site! You will be banned right away with no exception.
Rule 6:
We don't post misleading links, put appropriate warnings before deciding to post it.
Rule 7:
A moderators decision is final, if you have a problem with it, pm an administrator. Trying to resolve it through a thread will result in a heavier punishment.
Rule 8:
Do not post or upload any copyrighted material.
Rule 9:
We never advertise via the PM system whether the site is approved or not. If your site is approved than you must advertise through appropriate means.
Rule 10:
Never ask for reputation(rep). Reputation is to be handed out, at the forum members digression, as a reward for adding quality content to a thread, or the forum in general. Reputation abuse is punished.
Rule 11:
We respect each other and other communities. We do not flame. There is to be no fighting on the forums.
Rule 12: Do not post the same thing in multiple sections. Make sure you search the forum first to make sure you won't be making a duplicate thread. This will help keep the forum much more organized, and will save a lot more space.
Rule 13:
Don't use big pictures in your signature or small pictures that have 3 lines between them!
Rule 14:
Don't do double/triple posts or topic will get locked and u will get punished!
Rule 15:
Discussion of ranks ; if a player says _____ should be demoted or promoted. its the owners choice he chooses who will be demoted & promoted.
if you disagree this rule you will be infracted.
More rules well be applied when more Staffs or Players give me suggestions for some.
These rules well all be followed and enforced by ALL Trublue Community Staff Members.